Current Inventory as of 05/16/2024 Inventory | View Cart

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  • If item in stock quantity is 1-2 please call to verify availability.
  • ETA for on order items reflects date of product at port and does NOT reflect exact date available to Annandale Monument Co..
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Previous |  Records 61 to 90 of 730  | Next
ColorTypeDescription FinishLengthWidthHeightQty on HandQty on Order
China Black Vase Tapered Vase  Vase Mfg -AP 0' 5' ' 0' 4' ' 0' 9' ' 
China Black Vase Turned Vase 
Vase - Turned IN STK 0' 5' ' 0' 5' ' 0' 9' ' 23 
China Black Vase Turned Vase 
Vase - Turned IN STK 0' 6' ' 0' 6' ' 0' 10' ' 
China Black Vase Turned Vase 
Vase - Turned IN STK 0' 8' ' 0' 8' ' 0' 10' ' 
China Gray Bench - 2 Niche Bench-2 Niche 
Bench-2niche 3' 6' ' 1' 2' ' 1' 9' ' 
China Gray China Bench - 4 Pc webDF32 
DF32 3' 0' ' 1' 8' ' 2' 10' ' 
China Gray China Bench - 4 Pc webDF32 
DF32 4' 0' ' 1' 8' ' 2' 10' ' 
China Gray Leg Straight Leg  Straight Leg 1' 0' ' 1' 0' ' 1' 2' ' 
China Gray Niche 2 Niche 
2 Niche Crypt 2' 6' ' 1' 5' ' 3' 0' ' 3 ETA 
China Gray Pedestal webdakotaPed 
Rex1062APPED 3' 4' ' 0' 8' ' 1' 2' ' 
China Gray Seat Bench Seat  Rex950-1SeatAP 6' 8' ' 1' 4' ' 0' 4' ' 
China Gray Vase Turned Vase 
Vase - Turned IN STK 0' 4' ' 0' 4' ' 0' 10' ' 40 ETA 
China Gray Vase   Vase - Turned IN STK 0' 6' ' 0' 6' ' 0' 10' ' 
Coffee Pearl Base Flat Top  MAR2BASE 2' 10' ' 1' 0' ' 0' 6' ' 
Coffee Pearl Base Flat Top  PFTBASE 2' 10' ' 1' 0' ' 0' 6' ' 
Coffee Pearl Base Flat Top  MAR2BASE 3' 0' ' 1' 0' ' 0' 6' ' 
Coffee Pearl Base Flat Top  MAR2BASE 3' 4' ' 1' 0' ' 0' 6' ' 
Coffee Pearl Base Flat Top  PFTBASE 3' 4' ' 1' 0' ' 0' 6' ' 
Coffee Pearl Base Flat Top  MAR2BASE 3' 6' ' 1' 0' ' 0' 6' ' 
Coffee Pearl Base Flat Top  PFTBASE 3' 6' ' 1' 0' ' 0' 6' ' 
Coffee Pearl Base Flat Top  MAR2BASE 4' 0' ' 1' 0' ' 0' 6' ' 
Coffee Pearl Base Flat Top  PFTBASE 4' 0' ' 1' 0' ' 0' 6' ' 
Coffee Pearl Base Flat Top  MAR2BASE 4' 6' ' 1' 0' ' 0' 6' ' 
Coffee Pearl Base Flat Top  PFTBASE 4' 6' ' 1' 0' ' 0' 6' ' 
Coffee Pearl Base Flat Top  PFTBASE 5' 0' ' 1' 0' ' 0' 6' ' 
Coffee Pearl Bevel Marker Bevel  POLBEV 2' 6' ' 1' 0' ' 0' 6' ' 
Coffee Pearl Flat Marker Flat Top 
FLATMKRWCL 2' 0' ' 1' 0' ' 0' 4' ' 11 6 ETA 
Coffee Pearl Flat Marker Flat Top 
FLATMKRWCL 3' 0' ' 1' 0' ' 0' 4' ' 
Coffee Pearl Flat Marker Flat Top 
FLATMKRWCL 3' 0' ' 1' 2' ' 0' 4' ' 
Coffee Pearl Flat Marker Flat Top 
FLATMKRWCL 3' 6' ' 1' 2' ' 0' 4' ' 
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